Flood Relief Activities

Flood Relief Activities

The people of Goa have confidence in us due to our various activities and they prefer to channelize their donation through us as and when natural and other calamities arise. With the help and support of the people, sizable amount could be collected towards the relief work at Gujarat earthquake, Bihar and Canacona Goa flood. Keshav Seva Sadhana has constructed a girl's school of eight rooms at Moti Nagarpal at Gujarat and four houses for flood victims at Canacona Goa. Keshav Seva Sadhana has contributed for reconstruction of Vivekanand School at Kerala, in year 2018.

Keshav Seva Sadhana is also working with all its might and we have provided the needy with food grains, served cooked food, organised blood donation camp, provided assistance to frontline staff like Doctors and Police personnel.

Flood situation at Usgao Goa: This year in the month of July 2021 there was heavy rain that caused flood situation and due to flood, thousands of people were affected. KSS workers provided necessary help, cooked food and food grains to the flood affected people of Pali Usgao.

Keshav Seva Sadhana

Ponda, Goa

Head Office

  • info@kssgoa.org
  • +91- 832-2333150
  • Keshav Seva Sadhana Om,
    Durganagar, Bori, Ponda, Goa, India.